(All photos copyright: Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Pictures)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier tells us the story of what Steve Rogers has been doing since the battle of New York in the Avengers.
A lot of the movies are lucky to make it to three films in their series and keep the fans into it. Sometimes the following films aren't as good as the first. With all being said, Marvel Studios has just released its 9th film in this series and it is........ EPIC. Something I am a huge fan of with Marvel Studios is how they always step up their game with every film.
Robert Redford and Samuel L. Jackson each bring big story lines to the movie in their own ways.
You know, most times I would list off cast one by one and talk about what makes them good or bad in a film. This time I am not doing that, I am going to talk about which cast members worked best together.
Starting with the main pair Captain America and Black Widow. This is one of the best team ups EVER!! Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson work together perfectly, not only while fighting but they work off each other as well. Their back and forth jokes are one of the best parts of this film, trust me. Also, I am glad that they are building the Black Widow character more with this film. Yes she was a big part of the Avengers team and she made her debut in Iron Man 2 but they didn't build her story like they do in the new Captain America film.
Speaking of making their debut, who is excited to have Sam Wilson join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Many people know Sam Wilson as Marvel Comics hero The Falcon. Anthony Mackie brings the action and the humor into this character. Sam is a lot like Steve, as you will see in this film. I for one, can't wait to see what comes to be with this character in the future films.
Back on the note of team ups. Wouldn't it be fun if they keep going with this new Avenger solo film but it is still a team up, like Cap and Black Widow? Think about it? We could have a Hulk and Iron Man team up. Even Thor and Captain America, because you know both Chris H and Chris E haven't kept it a secret that they would love to do a full team up film. I hope they team up Hawkeye with anyone in a film and build his story more as well.
Let's talk about the second title character aka the Winter Soldier played by Captain America: The First Avenger star Sebastian Stan.
What I like about this character is his fighting. He doesn't only shoot at things as many of the ads show, he really has some epic fighting skills and will give Captain America one of his greatest fights ever.
For those of you watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D on ABC (Like myself), you should go see Captain America: The Winter Soldier before watching the upcoming episode of the show. As the show says EVERYTHING CONNECTS.
What better way to end a review then to talk about the credits. STAY FOR THEM!!! ALL OF THEM!! This is a Marvel movie, Marvel is known for its during/post credits scenes! Again, everything connects. So for those of you who walked out as soon as the animated credits started on this film, do yourself a favor... Go watch again and this time, WAIT til the very end. Trust me it is worth it. Without spoilers I will tell you that there is a scene at the end of the animated credits and at the end of the rolling credits.
So I give this film, 5 star shields! (It has to be shields for a Captain America film).
Looking forward to Guardians of the Galaxy and then the return of the Avengers in the 2015 film.

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