Let me first apologize for the small
delay in this review. It has been a crazy week. We viewed the movie
last week on Thursday evening, but we were out early Friday morning
to volunteer at the Special Olympics Vermont Summer Games for the
weekend. I strongly encourage all of you to reach out to your local
Special Olympics program and get involved. Even if it just for a
couple of hours at one of their events, it will be one of the most
rewarding experiences of your life. Apart from the amazing weekend,
the whole family is also getting ready to walk in the Relay For Life
for the American Cancer Society as Team Jeremy. Team Jeremy was
formed in memory of my brother and the World Wide Blog of Movies
Founder, Jeremy Boquet. If you would like to learn more about our
team and the Relay For Life, please check out this link
Now, on to the review.
“Heroes in a half shell. Turtle
Power!” Many of us remember having fun singing along with those
lyrics when we were kids. “TMNT 2” is all about that kind of
fun. After the first movie in this series drew a lot of criticism
for its base story being so similar to “The Amazing Spider-Man”,
the sequel movie goes back to what made the Turtles fun to begin
The Turtles, of course, are all back.
Maybe not, but it sure looks like a few minor changes were made to
character design. They seemed to look a little more turtle like and
less alien this time around. The overall portrayals work well. Yes,
they are mutant turtles with incredible martial arts skills, but they
are also teenagers, dealing with living in a sewer, beneath the city
they love.
Also returning is Megan Fox as
reporter, April O'Neil. This is another character that benefited
from the studio embracing the spirit of the cartoons. In some parts,
she does seem to be written more as a segway to advance the turtle's
story. Although if you consider that was basically the intent
behind creating the character in the first place, then on a whole,
she does very well.
Joining April and the Turtles is Casey
Jones. Stephen Amell plays the goalie mask wearing vigilante. Casey
is given a backstory this time. Although it isn’t extremely in
depth, it is nice to get some idea of why he does what he does. They
even have one scene where he hits a hockey puck at a distance to take
down a bad guy. So Stephen Amell plays a masked vigilante with
expert aim. That sounds familiar. Despite that similarity, he
creates a character that is very different than Arrow but just as fun
to watch.
There are also a few characters making
their first big screen appearances. Who else was excited to see
Beebop and Rocksteady join the movie universe? Even if Beebop’s
trademark mohawk and glasses looked a bit out of place in the present
day setting, they were essential to capture the essence of the
character. Krang, the evil brain, also makes an appearance, although
it was a little brief. There are some things that happen with this
character that will be interesting to see play out in the next movie.
While the TMNT movie series may not be
the next “Avengers”, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
“TMNT 2” brings you back to what the Turtles are all about.
Fun, excitement, and energy. For those who remember the original
cartoon series, this is is a great flashback. For anyone who
doesn’t, this is still a lot of fun and may leave you heading to
the store to by the series on DVD.
After you have seen the movie, please let us know what you think in the comments below. Please remember, NO SPOILERS!!! and no offensive language.
See you at the movies!
Thank you to ESSEX CINEMAS and T-REX for being the theater of choice for our movie reviews. When you are looking for the best place to check out a movie, make it ESSEX CINEMAS and T-REX at the Essex Outlets Center in Essex, VT!
The T-Rex Theater is AMAZING!!! With the 60 foot curved screen and 124 speakers which is part of 7.1 Digital Surround Sound, there are 401 extra wide luxury seats with memory-foam headrests making a movie theater trip you will never forget! T-Rex stands for “Theater Real Extreme”
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