Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Thor: Ragnarok

Thor is back for his third title movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, "Thor: Ragnarok".  Marvel continues to create great, entertaining movies.  Everyone has their own opinions of how each film ranks in the MCU, but I definitely feel like this could be close to the top for many.
It starts off jumping right into the story.  If you are one of those people that don't like it when a movie takes too much time setting up the story, you'll like this one.  They don't waste much time getting to the laughs either.  At some points it seems like the movie makers tried hard to make it funny, but I don't feel like that took from the movie at all.  If anything, it added to the impact of the more serious moments in the film.  There are no spoilers at World Wide Blog of Movies, but I can tell you there is still plenty of emotion in "Thor: Ragnarok".

Director Taika Waititi said in a recent interview that much of the movie was improvised.  Not discrediting the writers, they are still responsible for laying the ground work for the movie.  Improvising just means that they didn't go with the script, word for word.  I think this is why the comedy works so well.  It isn't all the actors just saying jokes that were written, it is also them having fun and giving a more natural reaction.  The improv wasn't just in the comedy, but that is usually the clearest view of its effect.

Marvel continues to impress with visual effects.  Unlike many of the films in the MCU, movies like this installment of Thor, as well as Guardians of the Galaxy, and Doctor Strange are based primarily in completely fictional worlds.  Which means, aside from some on location shoots in places that look the part, every location you see is created by a team of very talented artists.  They create Asgard beautifully, as well as other places you see throughout the film.

Chris Hemsworth returns as the God of Thunder.  He continues to give a great level of depth to the character.  Thor is unique to many of the other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in that he is not only based on a classic comic book character.  Thor, Loki, Odin, many other characters, and even Asgard itself are based on Norse Mythology.  This is something that they appear to treat with respect as well.

Despite several fan pushes for the Hulk to get his own sequel, it doesn't look like it is going to happen anytime soon.  They do somewhat make up for that in this movie though.  Hulk/Bruce Banner has a pretty interesting story arc within the main story.  Mark Rufalo again does a fantastic job portraying the man and the beast within, while Bruce continues to search for balance between the two.

Overall, this is definitely another one in the win column for Marvel and Disney.  I can't wait to see where they go from here.  I know that our founder, Jeremy, would have labeled it "Amazing".  What did you think of "Thor: Ragnarok"?  Let us know in the comments below.  Remember, this is a family friendly site and NO SPOILERS!

See you at the movies!


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