Sunday, September 16, 2012

Finding Nemo 3D Review

Nemo returns to theaters in the 3D release of Disney and Pixar's Finding Nemo. The question is should you go see it again, if you saw the first time?

Disney's plan next to bringing out all new movies is bringing out old movie with new 3D effects. They did this with Beauty and The Beast, as well as Lion King. They worked with Pixar to bring Toy Story and Toy Story 2 to 3D for getting fans ready for done in 3D movie Toy Story 3. Now under water movies always make some of the best 3D movies, because of the effects of the sea and the fish. So the best chance for making a great 3D movie is making all about fish.

The scene with Crush in the EAC is one of the best scenes for the 3D effect. It really shows when Marlin first looks behind Crush at the rest of the Turtles. Another great scene for it was when Nemo and the gang looked outside of the tank and the camera made it look like you were one of the fish.

The cast was fantastic as always! Ellen DeGeneres and Albert Brooks played Dory and Marlin on their seach to find Nemo. They made a amazing pair and worked well off of eachother, full of laughs. Willem Defoe played Gill, along side Brad Garrett who played Bloat. Defoe played the fish who took watch of Nemo when he was in the Tank and helped him work on a way home. The whole cast was great!

So go see it! It is 100% worth your time. I think out of the remade to 3D Pixar movies so far, this is the best. My favorite Disney remade to 3D scene has to be the ballroom dance scene from Beauty and the Beast.

Here is a note to my Marvel/Avengers readers! The voice behind the shark named Anchor is none other then the face of Bruce Banner from the 2003 film "The Hulk" aka Eric Bana. A "Hulk Shark" would be a very bad thing to get angry. You wouldn't like a Hulk Shark when its angry. Don't forget that Willem Defoe is also a Marvel movie star from when he played Norman Osborn in the Spider-Man movie series.

John Ratzenberger plays fish school in this movie. Can you tell me all his other Pixar roles?

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